Edy's Chocolate Malt FROZEN CUSTARD

I am super excited that brands are starting to produce frozen custard.  The world needs to be made more aware of this splendid treat.

Before we talk Edy's let's talk frozen custard.  Frozen Custard, more specifically Ted Drewes Frozen Custard, is an institution in St. Louis.  Ask any St. Louisan to give you a list of top 5 typical St. Louis things to do in St. Louis and Ted Drewes is definitely on the list.  To quote Ted Drewes himself, "It's really good guys and gals!" Just thinking about it, I want to go back home just for some Ted Drewes.

Here's the facts.  Per the FDA guidelines, frozen custard must contain 10% milkfat and 1.4% egg yolk solids.  In addition, frozen custard does not have as much air, withan overrun (amount of air added during freezing) of 15-30% (whereas ice cream sometimes has an overrun of 100%). with only about This gives it a texture that it denser and creamier than ice cream.

There is a difference between the custard served at Ted Drewes shops and the pre-packaged Ted Drewes custards found in grocery stores.  This difference is akin to the difference between soft serve and regular ice cream.  The ice cream at the Ted Drewes shop is served at a higher temperature to make it into more of a soft-serve product.

Edy's Chocolate Malt frozen custard doesn't have a flavor description (doesn't need one either), but on their website it says,

Reminiscent of an old fashioned hand mixed malted milk shake, Chocolate Malt is an extra creamy blend of rich chocolate with just enough malted flavor to make it extra memorable.

There are two things I want to review about this custard, the flavor and the custardi-ness.  They roughly align with the not-so-good and the good things.

This flavor is supposed to be reminiscent of a chocolate malted milkshake and it just isn't.  Honestly, it's a bit bland.  I think if they added more malt flavor it would be so much better, and it wouldn't hurt to make it more chocolate-y as well.  It's almost as if the thickness masked the flavor.

Aside from the flavor, I think Edy's made a great custard.  The texture is reminiscent of (and perhaps a bit better than, but I won't say that because BLASPHEMY) the texture of the pre-packaged Ted Drewes custards.  You can definitely tell this is a custard and not an ice cream.  It is incredibly thick, so thick that it is hard to scoop.  It is also so smooth and so creamy.

While I didn't like this flavor very much I liked the product enough to try another flavor to see if the chocolate malt was just a fluke.

I'm really excited to see other brands start to hop on the frozen custard bandwagon.


  1. :( Disappointing about this flavor. I hope the other ones do better!


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