Dove Unconditional Chocolate

So, Dove makes ice cream! Last night I went to the gas station to pick up a pint of 2nd Street Creamery (aside - why is it only sold at a gas station!?), and decided I couldn't leave with only one pint of ice cream.  For my second pint I wanted a really chocolatel-y flavor that I was sure Kyle would like, so I went with Dove Unconditional Chocolate.  Let me tell you, the gas station cashier had some seriously judgy eyes when he figured out that I came to the gas station to ONLY buy TWO pints of ice cream and not even gas or anything.  Don't judge me, gas station cashier, YOU'RE NOT JUDGE JUDY!

When I saw the Dove in the gas station case, I was initially surprised that Dove made ice cream.  I knew they had ice cream bars, but didn't know they made pints.  Then, as I thought about it more, I think I have seen pints of Dove at the grocery store.  They only make 3 pint flavors, so I probably just scanned by it at the grocery store as 'brand with not enough choices.'  Since there were fewer choices overall at the gas station, I did not pass this brand over.

On to the ice cream!  When I first opened the pint, it wasn't full all the way up to the top, so obviously I was pissed, but it turned out ok because this ice cream was fantastic.  Unconditional Chocolate is described as

Rich chocolate ice cream, silky smooth chunks made with DOVE dark chocolate and a fudge swirl.

The base flavor was really hard to describe because there were so many mix-ins.  It definitely wasn't bad though, or I would have noticed.  The dark chocolate chunks tasted like those dark chocolate Dove squares, which makes sense.  I would say the ice cream composition was about 2/3 ice cream base and 1/3 chocolate chunks.  These chunks were small, incredibly frequent, and super crunchy.  They were thin and small enough to avoid the bad crunch/too hard conundrum some chocolate chunks encounter.

Not quite all the way full.

The fudge swirl was also really good, but there was just not enough of it.  It was super thick, but still liquidy.  I could also taste that it was distinctly fudge-y as opposed to the chocolate-y-ness of the ice cream and the chunks.  It was a really great contrast.

Fudge swirl!

Now I will attempt to describe the taste of the ice cream.  It had a certain je ne sais qua that made it really special.  I feel dorky using the word mouthfeel, but here goes.  This ice cream had a very full, heavy, round, and sliiiiiiightly gummy mouthfeel.  When I was eating it, even if I took a small bite, it felt like the flavor diffused across my tongue and up to the roof of my mouth.  Ehhh, I don't know, that doesn't describe the eating experience in quite the right way.  You'll just have to trust me and buy yourself a pint to find out why it is so special.  After all, this is unconditional chocolate, it will be there for you always.


  1. Judgy eyes? Hey, you were buying ice cream, after all. You could have just been buying a lottery ticket.


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