Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk

Confession time.  I ate about half of this pint of ice cream for breakfast this morning.  Granted, I had just run six and a half miles and didn't get enough sleep the last night so I was wicked tired and decided to give myself a treat.  No shame!  Eat ice cream always!

This is an example of the quintessential Ben and Jerry's chunktastic-ness.  This flavor is a chocolate ice cream base packed full of chunks of white fudge, dark fudge, chocolate covered almonds, walnuts, and pecans.

Ben and Jerry's chocolate base is always superb, so there was no surprise that I loved the first bite I took of this ice cream.  If this ice cream only had the fudge chunks I would say it would almost be too rich, but since there is no such thing I won't say that.  Since walnuts and pecans are lighter airy nuts (as in, there is lots of air in a walnut.  Just look at one.) it kept the ice cream from being too weighty.

I mean, is there really more to say?  Chocolate and fudge and nuts oh my!


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