Dean's German Chocolate Cake

As I mentioned, Kyle and I picked up two containers of Dean's ice cream for the price of one and each picked a flavor.  German Chocolate Cake was my pick.

I absolutely love German chocolate cake.  It is chocolate cake with a gooey coconut pecan icing, and the icing is what really makes (takes?) the cake.  Fun fact, German Chocolate Cake is not actually German, as I thought, but named after an American, Sam German, who developed a type of baker's chocolate.  The more you know.

This flavor was described as:

Chocolate cake flavored ice cream with caramel coconut ribbon and chocolate flavored flakes.

The first thing I don't understand about this description is why "chocolate flavored flakes" and not just "chocolate flakes?"  Eh, whatever.  If this ice cream was supposed to be Dean's Chocolate Cake Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips, Dean's would have knocked it out of the park.  The chocolate cake ice cream base tasted like chocolate cake and not just chocolate, and was very high quality.  The chocolate flavored flakes were of a nice size and crunch and were plentiful throughout the carton.

Pecans! Where are you :(

Unfortunately, this was supposed to be German Chocolate Cake Ice Cream.  You might have noticed that I included pecans in my description of German chocolate cake, and this ingredient is noticeably absent in Dean's description of the ice cream.  How do you fuck up so badly that you leave out one of the key ingredients!?  Somebody at Dean's needed to do their research to figure out exactly what German Chocolate Cake actually is.  Strike one.

Also disappointing, was the caramel coconut ribbon.  To do a German Chocolate Cake ice cream right you should have a giant, thick swirl of icing coursing through the ice cream, or mix large amounts of everything together like Talenti does.  Every once in a while I *thought* I got a piece of coconut, but I didn't notice a caramel swirl and the flavor of coconut may have been wishful thinking on my part.  Strike two.

This ice cream avoids a strikeout because the chocolate cake base was so good, but if you're looking for a legitimate German Chocolate Cake ice cream, look elsewhere.


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