Ben and Jerry's One Sweet World

IT'S A BRITISH INVASION! Ben and Jerry's One Sweet World, coffee caramel ice creams with fudge chunks and swirls of marshmallow and salted caramel, is a regular B&J flavor in the UK and recently made it's US debut as a limited edition flavor. Ben and Jerry's will donate part of the sales of this flavor to 'support those working at the intersection of economic and racial justice,' so that's a definite plus! Even though there's no details right now about what organizations they're donating to, Ben and Jerry's has a pretty good track record with this kind of thing, so I'm not too worried that the info hasn't been published yet. I initially misread the description and didn't realize One Sweet World had a caramel coffee base and thought it had a plain coffee base. The base was very sweet and not at all bitter. I was a bit disappointed because I like my coffee ice cream dark and strong, but it's more acceptable as a car...