Ben and Jerry's Fan Favorite Cannoli

I've had this review queued up to post for a few days, but after the murder of George Floyd and the ensuing riots and protests, it felt frivolous to talk about ice cream in the midst of so much grief. I've talked about it on the blog before, but one of the big reasons I love ice cream is because it almost universally makes people HAPPY, and it feels like no one is happy right now. Instead of just posting a review without mentioning what's going on in the world, I'm hoping to make this a little bit of a fundraiser - donate $5 (the cost of a pint of ice cream) or more to Black Visions Collective (scroll to bottom of page for donation link), Reclaim the Block , or Northstar Health Collective . These three organizations are called out by Minnesota Freedom Fund as being in need of supplies and support. Or find and donate to your local Freedom Fund. I will match up to $500 in donations split evenly between the three organizations (will donate this amount r...