Ben and Jerry's Cake Batter

There are certain Ben and Jerry's flavors that I know exist but that I rarely or never see in stores; however, every time I go to Tim and Tom's Speedy Market they seem to have a single pint of one or two of these rare flavors. On my most recent trip they had a pint of Cake Batter AND a pint of Cinnamon Buns. I snagged the only pint of Cake Batter and thought really hard about grabbing Cinnamon Buns, but ultimately passed. I'm still a little ashamed to walk out of a grocery store with 5 containers of ice cream and nothing else (but 4 is somehow ok, I don't even know). Cake Batter is Yellow cake batter ice cream with a chocolate frosting swirl. This ice cream tastes and smells exactly like yellow cake batter. Upon opening the pint I was instantly hit with the wonderful aroma of eggy, buttery batter. I am not a huge fan of yellow cake. I mean, if someone hands me a piece I will eat it, but if I have a choice between yellow cake and a different...