Prairie Farms Mint Moose Tracks

PEPPERMINT IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. There are even carols about it. Take, for example, the Irving Berlin classic "I'm Dreaming of a White (Chocolate Peppermint Bark) Christmas." The grocery stores in Minneapolis do not seem to fully appreciate the importance of seasonal peppermint flavors. Christmas, the traditional peak of peppermint season, has past with nary a pint of peppermint ice cream in sight. Lizzy and I are currently home in St. Louis for the holidays, and luckily our dad had the next best thing, Prairie Farms Mint Moose Tracks ice cream. There's not an official description, but it is a mint base with thick swirls of Moose Tracks fudge and chocolate mint cups. Prairie Farms (I keep wanting to type Purina Farms, which is a different thing entirely) is a generally solid brand of premium ice cream so I was expecting to like but not love this ice cream, and boy was I wrong! This moved into my top three favorite mint flavors of all time. The ...