Ben and Jerry's Strawberry Cheescake

You all know that Lizzy is not a huge fan of Ben & Jerry's various cheesecake flavors.  I don't think I've ever had one, so when I was in the grocery store craving a fruity ice cream, I picked up Ben and Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake.  This ice cream is

Strawberry cheesecake ice cream with strawberries and a thick graham cracker swirl.

Even before digging into the pint, I had a beef with this flavor.  In this humble ice cream aficionado's (aficianada's?) opinion, a cheesecake flavor should contain chunks of actual cheesecake.  Duh. Unfortunately, this flavor does not. Boo.

Not to review what this ice cream is instead of what it is not.  My first bite of this ice cream I was hit with the really strong flavor of dried strawberries.  But, maybe more like half-way dried strawberries.  Those ones that are still a bit chewy.  Ok, so far so good.  I picked up some hints of cream-cheesiness in the base, but it wasn't a super strong flavor.  I think if I didn't know what this flavor was, it would have taken me a while to realize it was a cheesecake flavor.  Not so good.  Some cheesecake chunks would really have helped things out.

Where are the strawberries!?
The graham cracker swirl was thoroughly enjoyable, though not that thick.  It was super grainy, bordering on gritty. It tasted like a graham cracker crust, but sweeter.

Finally, the alleged strawberries.  Where were they.  The strawberry chunks were so tiny! So itty bitty! Sadness.

This pint really needed something more.  It needed cheesecake chunks. Or bigger strawberry chunks.  Or a syrupy strawberry swirl.


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