Guest Post! Red Button Vintage Creamery Sprinkled Animal Cookie

 Red Button Sprinkled Animal Cookie Ice Cream.

 Guest post by Dan Handschy

Presented with a bag of Mother's Circus Animal cookies and a box of Girl Scout Samoas, I would open the bag of Circus Animal Cookies first.  Then, twenty minutes later, after consuming the whole bag, I might open the Samoas, or perhaps just collapse in a fat-induced coma.  The things are like crack to me.  That is why I never buy them.  My children know this about me.

When Madeline, daughter number one, traveled to Provo Utah for a math conference, she did what she always does in a new place -- searched around for the local ice cream varieties.  I got a very excited Facebook message from her:  She had discovered Red Button Sprinkled Animal Cookie Ice Cream!  I replied that I would disown her if she had some and didn't send me some somehow.  Well a FedEx box arrived this morning with a styrofoam cooler packed with foam peanuts, dry ice, and two quarts (yes quarts) of said ice cream.  OMG, crack ice cream!

The peanuts match the packaging. Adorable.

I tried a little this morning, but it was a bit stiff from having been packed on dry ice.  So, I had some more this evening.  First off, on opening the carton, one is greeted with that lovely artificial pink color only possible with red dye #n, just like those hideous pink cookies.  So far, so good.  As I dipped it, I noticed chunks of cookie, still frosted, and a sprinkling of sprinkles.  Even better.

Level of anticipation: actually smiling in a picture. So very high.

My level of anticipation was pretty high.   I had my mouth all ready for the taste of those cookies.  Actually, those cookies don't have much taste.  What I absolutely love about the cookies is the mouth feel of the fat in the frosting.  It's hydrogenated palm kernel oil, probably the worst stuff for you on the planet, but mixed with sugar, just completely addictive.  It's that mouth feel that makes me eat a whole bag at once -- when you stop eating, that feel makes you put another cookie in your mouth.

The ice cream didn't quite have that feel.  I couldn't tell if I should be disappointed or not.  It was a lighter ice cream than some I've had (I don't know all the technical terms, such as pull, over run, etc., like my daughters do -- I'll leave them to explain the lightness of the ice cream).  But the flavor was exactly right.  It tastes just exactly like those cookies, and the cookie chunks were still crispy.  But the ice cream didn't leave me with as much of that mouth feel as the cookies do.  I suppose this is a good thing:  otherwise, I would eat the whole quart at a sitting.


So, the ice cream tasted exactly like you took a handful of cookies and mashed them into a bowl of ice cream (only not quite as much cookie as you'd have that way).  As I savored (and then consumed) my bowl of ice cream, I decided I wasn't disappointed with the ice cream.  I'd just let myself get worked into a state of frenzy, waiting for a hit of my favorite drug.  The ice cream is just what it should be.  It's just not the straight cookie.  But if had been just the straight cookie, why bother with ice cream, right?


This ice cream would make a terrific cone in a sugar cone.  I can also imagine it as a shake (one I actually wouldn't add malt to, for fear of overpowering the cookie flavor).  Madeline sent me two quarts, so my next bowl will be much bigger than the one I just had.

So, if you presented me with a quart of Red Button Sprinkled Animal Cookie ice cream and a box of Samoas, I would definitely open the ice cream first, and only open the Samoas after a day or two, when the ice cream was gone.  But if you presented me with a bag of Mother's Circus Animal cookies and a quart of Red Button Sprinkled Animal Cookie ice cream, I'd open both of them at the same time and have a bowl of ice cream with a handful of cookies on the side.

🍦🍦🍦🍦 !!! Four cones out of four.

(Caption commentary provided by Lizzy).


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