Talenti Peppermint Bark

I missed out on Talenti Peppermint Bark last year because my local Cub does not stock all of the seasonal Talenti flavors.  Major fail.  My friend Alex (who I consider a success story in my quest to turn everyone I know into a drooling ice cream addict) mentioned that he found a pint at Kowalski's, so I asked him to pick up a pint for me the next time he was there.  He went back but there was none left! Oh no! I had to go downtown the next day to run and errand and decided to pop into Whole Foods.  It's a good thing I did because they had Talenti Peppermint Bark!

I think the Talenti flavor writer has finally outdone him or herself with this flavor description.  It cannot be topped:

We combine the most refreshing peppermint gelato with flecks of semisweet Belgian Callebaut chocolate (ok, nothing weird so far, but just wait!), and it tastes like polar bear smiles and the northern lights. (Which is delicious, in case you were wondering.)

Slayed. That absolutely slayed me.  I'm dead.  I am no more.

In addition to the absolutely stellar description, the gelato itself was great!

The gelato had the typically wonderful Talenti texture: smooth and silky but dense and without too much air.  The peppermint gelato had a bold, clean flavor that did not fade and retained its zing throughout the whole pint.

The dark chocolate chips were stellar, as usual (Talenti has some of my favorite chocolate chips on the market).  Like the peppermint, the dark chocolate had a very clean and clear flavor.  The contrast of the bright peppermint and dark chocolate worked wonderfully, especially because both flavors were so well-defined.  The combination reminded me of a dark chocolate York Peppermint Patty.

If you see this pint full of polar bear smiles and the northern lights on shelves near you, it's definitely worth a try!


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