David's Famous Gourmet Frozen Custard: Lemon

I am so close to reviewing all of the David's Famous flavors I can taste it! Well, not exactly, since there is still one flavor left for me to try. However, I did recently taste David's Famous Lemon custard!

This year has also sort of been the year of the lemon! I tried Three Twins Lemon Cookie, Haagen-Dazs Lemon Sorbet, Haagen-Dazs Limoncello Gelato, and now David's Famous Lemon Custard! I live an exciting life, guys, I do.

This flavor is described as Lemon? Who ever heard of lemon ice cream? Another long story, but suffice to say it tastes like lemon custard pie, and the people who like it are such fanatics that I dare not stop making it. It's refreshing, sweet, tart, rich and totally addictive!

(What is up with David's Famous and all of these "long stories" of their flavor creations?!)

Anywho, you, Dearest Readers, are probably bored of reading posts of me shamelessly swooning of David's Famous Custard. If you don't want to read another, I advise you to stop reading now. This custard was, once again, superbly delicious. It was surprisingly tart and tangy, much more so than the other lemon frozen dairy desserts I've tried this year. I would even say the flavor was bright. And at the same time it was creamy. Once the tart and tangy faded away, you were left with a more sweet, creamy lemon taste. I 100% agree, this flavor tasted like lemon custard pie. And yes it is refreshing, sweet, tart, rich and totally addictive. I was incredibly disappointed when I finished the pint. I would definitely buy this flavor again.


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