Yo My Goodness Yummy Yellow Cake Batter

So this isn't ice cream, but Madeline talked about a froyo place in her introduction, so I'm just gonna say I think froyo is fair game.

My St. Louis readers may remember the froyo place on Wydown called Chill. However, recently Chill closed down because the owners were moving to California. Now in its place is a new local chain called, Yo My Goodness. When I went the first time I had heard amazing things about their cake batter flavor. I'm not typically a fan of cake batter flavored ice creams and froyos, because in my opinion they often taste super artificial and not even really like cake batter. Despite my hesitations I tried the flavor.

Oh. Em. Gee. This is good. The flavor is subtle and creamy and not artificial tasting at all. It tasted like licking the batter straight out of a mixing bowl. Seriously if a froyo could be life changing this would be it. My ice cream and other frozen dairy product consumption habits are a major part of my identity and before this I considered myself anti-cake batter. This froyo could seriously change that. Or at least it would if everyone else would model their cake batter flavored products after this flavor.

The froyo paired nicely with cookie dough and strawberries as toppings. This place also had what I think the cashier called cake batter bark. But they don't have that listed on their website as a topping option. When I Google cake batter bark I just get stuff that seems like chocolate bark with sprinkles.  This topping was like little crushed up fluffy but also crunchy candy coated yellow cake batter things. I can't even describe it. Honestly the cake batter froyo was also really good with the cake batter toppings. Yo My Goodness just knows what is up with cake batter. They have multiple St. Louis locations, so I suggest next time you are in the area, go check it out!

Note about the pictures. Bronwyn and I went to Yo My Goodness a few days a go with a coupon that was basically get as large of a froyo as you want for only $5. So we went crazy and got this big guy and took it home to enjoy later (we also bought some more that we ate in the store that day, duh). The trick to getting a lot of froyo in one cup is to tap the cup on the counter, so it settles. This froyo was mega packed down filled with a bunch of different toppings and has been sitting in the freezer for a few days. So it was more icy and dense and less creamy than normal. Also, the toppings on top of this froyo are not the cake batter bark I was talking about but I have no idea what they are either. But they are some sort of crunchy chocolatey thing. Other toppings in this froyo are cookie dough and Reese's Pieces. 


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