Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day

Last Tuesday, April 8th was free cone day at Ben & Jerry's! I am a huge B&J's fan, but this was my first time going to free cone day. The Ben & Jerry's in St. Louis (yeah there is only one) is on the Delmar Loop, which is a super fun street with lots of cool restaurants and shops. It is also considered one of the best 10 streets in the nation. The line for free cone day was out the door and way down the street. It was a gorgeous April day, which honestly are rare in St. Louis. For example, today it was 40 degrees and sleeting, joy.

We, me my roommate Bronwyn and our neighbor/friend Lizzie, get to the back of the line and only wait for a few minutes before a B&J's worker comes back and starts shouting about trivia to win a front of the line pass. I didn't even know those were a thing! Obviously we are excited because we are huge B&J fans (as evidenced below) and we knew we have a good chance of winning.  The first question was, "Ben and Jerry met in 7th grade.  In what class did they meet?" Lizzie, fast as lightning, shouts, "PE!!!" So after waiting just a FEW minutes we hop right to the front of the line and get our free cones. I got Milk and Cookies, Lizzie got Coffee, Coffee, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz and Bronwyn got Chocolate Fudge Brownie. Everyone was pleased and all in all it was a great day.

Yes this is a tower of Ben & Jerry's. It is the empty and, yes, washed out pints of over 2.5 years of work done by six girls (although there have been some guest contributors). It is currently 239 pints (if I did my math correctly). Be jealous.


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