Hello Internet!

If you’ve stumbled upon this blog, hopefully you love ice cream just as much as I do or if not, maybe my lyrical prose extolling the joy and beauty of ice cream will help you love ice cream as much as I do.

I also hope you like sarcasm as much as I do.

My sister has already explained to you a bit about why we are embarking on this project. However, it is not just the Big Muddy that has connected to two of us, but our love of ice cream. For me, I hope this blog serves as a way for Madeline and I to stay in touch via the world of ice cream as the real world often keeps us very busy.

Now some more about me. Growing up in St. Louis has turned me into a connoisseur for frozen dairy products, especially frozen custard. The best frozen custard in the world obviously being Ted Drewes (https://www.facebook.com/TedDrewes). However, in college at Washington University in St. Louis, my roommates and I fell in love with Ben and Jerry’s because we love ice cream with chunks and a lot of Ben and Jerry’s social and environmental policies. We have tried every flavor of Ben and Jerry’s that exists and kept the carton of every pint we have consumed in the past 3 years – totaling at over 200 pints. In order to keep track of all the new flavors Ben and Jerry’s rapidly come out with, I started following a fabulous blog, The Ice Cream Informant (http://www.theicecreaminformant.com). I told Madeline about it, and we said, “Hey! Why couldn’t we do something like that?”

And now we are.


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