McConnell's Summer Fruit Cobbler

Dearest readers, I feel a little bit bad about posting this review.  McConnell's Summer Fruit Cobbler is an absolutely divine flavor that, unfortunately, was only available from May 31 to September 31 so you may not be able to obtain this flavor at the moment.  Straub's must have a pint or two left in stock.  Hopefully this will become available again next summer so you can try this absolutely lovely ice cream.

While this flavor is listed on the McConnell's website, there is no flavor description, but it seemed to be sweet cream ice cream with chunks of peach, raspberry swirl, and cinnamon-y crumbles of cobbler crust.  Alliteration for the win!

I wonder if there is a different picture on every lid of McConnell's? New ice cream collection?

The first thing that struck me about this ice cream was how sweet it was.  To be specific, it was not exceedingly sugary or cloying.  Instead, it was like biting into a perfectly ripe and juicy peach or a handful of plump raspberries on a hot summer day.  It was a delicate and fruity sweetness and not at all cloying.

The strongest flavor was from the raspberry swirl, giving the overall effect of a raspberries and cream.  There weren't a ton of peach chunks, and they were fairly small, but they were some of the best peaches I've ever had in an ice cream.  I'd love to see McConnell's do a peach flavor at some point.  The peaches didn't taste frozen at all; they were soft and juicy, almost like fresh peach.  The crumbles were also quite small, but added enough cinnamon flavor to make this a true 'crumble' ice cream.

Overall, I would have liked to see more/bigger chunks of peach and crumble crust, but as it was, this flavor was amazing.


What struck me, Lizzy, the most about this ice cream was how it looked! The ice cream was so colorful and beautiful. Not often are ice creams as visually appealing as they are tasty, but this one definitely was. I agree with Madeline, I would have liked more peach chunks.

Also, although the crumbles were small, there were lots of them and they were moist, turning this great fruit ice cream into a great fruit cobbler ice cream. One last note about this ice cream. When it melted it turned into straight up filmy, fatty cream. That's how high quality McConnell's is!

This flavor was such a joy to eat!


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