David's Famous Gourmet Frozen Custard: Rhubarb

What a glorious day! I have finally tried all of the David's Famous Custard flavor. I feel great joy and like part of my life's work is complete. However, I am also excited about hints I've heard of David's releasing some new flavors soon (I think one of them will be orange).

But until that exciting time, I'm going to relish my accomplishment a bit.

This flavor is described as Since there's nothing better than a piece of rhubarb pie with a big scoop of David's Famous Vanilla Custard on top, I thought the world needed a Rhubarb Custard. If you like rhubarb as much as I do, you'll love the heavenly sweet, sour, tangy flavor!

There are a depressingly small number of rhubarb ice creams in the world. In fact, the only other one I can think of is Sweet Science's Rhubarb Cinnamon Almond, which I haven't had, but Madeline raves about. However, if I am wrong and there are some other rhubarb flavors out there, please do correct me. But I also don't see rhubarb ice cream becoming super popular any time soon. I think rhubarb is too much like a vegetable for people to get excited about, and I don't think rhubarb pie is quite as established as a classic as carrot cake.

But maybe I'm being pessimistic. Maybe David's Famous Rhubarb Custard can change the hearts and minds of consumers.

So when I opened this pint, I was surprised by the appearance. The ice cream seemed to be a swirl of rhubarb and vanilla ice cream. And a pretty even swirl at that; it looked 50% vanilla and 50% rhubarb. Although surprised, I was going in with an open mind.

First bite? Wow. The tangy rhubarb flavor hits your tongue immediately. The the sweeter undertones of the rhubarb, which are quite fruity come into play. The flavor finishes with a round sweetness of vanilla.

For die hard rhubarb fans who wouldn't want the flavor to be overshadowed by vanilla, don't worry. The rhubarb is definitely the star of this show. It's tangy flavor takes center stage, while the vanilla is present to nicely balance the rhubarb and round out the flavor.

There were even strings of actual rhubarb visible in the ice cream. Lastly, the incredibly creamy and rich David's base (which, if you've forgotten has a higher milk fat content than any other brand out there) does a great job with tangy flavors. The lemon was awesome, as was this rhubarb. The hints I'd gotten about an orange flavor coming out seemed a bit out of left field, but now that I've tried the rhubarb in addition to the lemon, it makes complete sense and I'm so excited!

If you love rhubarb, you need this ice cream. If you've been skeptical about eating vegetables for dessert, I think this ice cream might change your mind.


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