The Malt Shop: Cookie Dough Malt

Alright Fenton friends, it is time for a trip down memory lane, back to when none of us had anything better to do than go to The Malt Shop. It is hard to believe Madeline and I have been writing this blog for over a year now and neither of us has made our way over to The Malt Shop.

For those of you lucky enough to grow up outside of Fenton, thus unlucky enough to probably not have gone to The Malt Shop, I'll give you a quick description of the shop itself before I review the ice cream I got there. 

The Malt Shop is the old fashioned ice cream and burger place with only a window to order from and a bit of outdoor seating. Despite its lack of amenities, it is the best of places, mostly because they give you a lot of tasty ice cream for not much money. And man, I bet they make a killing. The Malt Shop is often pretty crowded and I don't know anybody who grew up in Fenton who doesn't have about a dozen fond memories of eating ice cream at The Malt Shop. An obsession I once had with twist cones evolved and died down there. My still existing obsession with cookie dough was born at The Malt Shop. And my transition from thinking malted ice cream was weird to thinking it was delicious occurred at The Malt Shop.

Thus when I was there a few weeks ago, although my dad tried hard to get me to order a chocolate malt, I still ordered my favorite Malt Shop offering, a cookie dough malt. 

Pro-tip #1 for going to The Malt Shop, unless you haven't eaten in days, order a small! A small at The Malt Shop is the same size as most other places' regular or even large!

Pro-tip #2 if you get a shake or a malt, with or without mix-ins, ask for a spoon. My dad and I, like n00bs, did not ask for spoons and at times I felt like I was sucking so hard on my straw my head might pop off. Also, if you are getting something with a mix-in, it will clearly not fit through your straw. Then you will be stuck doing the try-to-use-your-straw-as-a-spoon maneuver, where you try to balance your mix-ins on your straw and lift them to your mouth, but then they fall off back into your shake and you are sad.

The lack of spoon issue is especially problematic because The Malt Shop put sooo much cookie dough in my malt. With a spoon I probably could have gotten 2 dime sized cookie doughs per bite. However, as I ate my malt most of the cookie dough sank down to the bottom of the cup, because gravity. So what I ended up with was a 2 inch thick mass of cookie dough at the bottom of my cup. It was glorious.

My one minor complaint is the malt flavor could have been stronger. However, this was probably because there was so much cookie dough and the flavor of the cookie dough probably drowned out the flavor of the malt. 

Moral of the story: The Malt Shop is the bomb.


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