The New Barn Almond Creme Sunflower Butter

I recently discovered Almond Creme, The New Barn's line of almond milk ice creams, and I think the brand is a serious contender in the non-dairy scene. Today I have a review of Sunflower Butter, and holy crap, it was amazing.  The New Barn has this to say about the flavor:

Our organic Sunflower Butter left our team speechless the first time we tried a bite. It's the right combination of crunchy and nutty flavor, and just the right amount of sweet. We can say with all sincerity that it is nothing short of magical. Enjoy!

This is an example of an incredibly simple idea executed extremely well to make a fabulous ice cream. Basically all that's going on here is an almond milk ice cream mixed with sunflower butter with sunflower seeds mixed in.

The only slight complaint I have with this flavor is a slight sliminess, but honestly, this is pretty common to almond milk ice creams, so I'm not too bothered by it.

The almond milk base and the sunflower butter go together like ...... I want to say peanut butter and jelly but I really don't want to make a food analogy to describe food! To me, almonds are more of a 'sweet' nut than a 'nutty' nut, so while the almond milk base tastes like almonds it does not taste nutty. In contrast, the roasted sunflower seeds had a deep, smooth nuttiness that paired wonderfully with the sweet base.  There was a hint of salt which didn't stand out on its own, but really enhanced the interplay between the nutty sunflower seeds and sweet almonds.

The sunflower seeds were the finishing touch.  There weren't a ton of them; I got one about every other bite. They were soft/crunchy in texture so they were noticeable, but didn't interrupt me while I ate. Rather than adding a new flavor component, they amplified the nuttiness of the base.

I'm giving this šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones! I can't wait to try the rest of the flavors in this line.


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