READER REQUEST: Haagen-Dazs Mango Sorbet

A few months ago when I reviewed Haagen-Dazs Orchard Peach sorbet, two events occurred. First, I was reminded that the frozen-sugar-water creation that is sorbet is wonderful. Second, a bunch of you readers told me I should try and review more Haagen-Dazs sorbet products. I reviewed, and loved the lemon, but hadn't, until now, obviously, been able to find the mango flavor my friend, Christy, recommended.

This description of this flavor reads We blended juicy, tropical mangos into a smooth puree to create a refreshing treat with sweet fruit intensity.

The first bite of this sorbet was fantastic. It tasted like the kind of mango you eat while standing over the sink because no amount of napkins could or should control the juice dribbling all over your face and hands. So perfect. Mangos, when perfectly ripe like, this are the most carefree fruit. You can't eat a juice dribbling mango in your lunch at work or school. You can't eat a juice dribbling mango in a rush to get out the door in the morning. You have to eat a juice dribbling mango when you have no obligations to the world other than to stand at the sink and revel in each sweet bite. The first bite of this sorbet encapsulated that experience.

However, the flavor intensity didn't last. I'm not exactly sure how, but the flavor faded as I ate the sorbet. Perhaps it was the cold numbing my taste buds? Perhaps the lemon, pumpkin, and carrot juice they use for color started to taint the mango flavor? I'm not entirely sure.

Lastly, the texture of this sorbet wasn't quite as smooth as the peach or the lemon, but still fabulous. The texture was dense and didn't get overly watery as it melted.

Despite the decreasing flavor intensity, I loved this sorbet. For you sorbet fans out there, Haagen-Dazs has definitely gotten the sorbet game figured out!


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