Three Twins: Lemon Cookie

I have been a big fan of Three Twins ever since I had their Chocolate Orange Confetti way back in the early days of this blog. Can you believe our blog is almost a year old? I can hardly believe it! What is harder for me to believe is that is has been almost a year since I've had any Three Twins ice cream.

Paralyzed by indecision and existential crisis. 

For my long spring break weekend, I decided to stop at Whole Foods in St. Louis and get some Three Twins ice cream. I have heard lots of awesome things about Three Twins' Lemon Cookie so I knew I had to get that. However, I struggled over what to get for my second pint. There are so many brands besides Three Twins at Whole Foods that I don't see other places. Then I had a crisis which I had frequently where I realize I will die before I have the opportunity to try and review every flavor of ice cream in the world. Before I actually broke down sobbing in the middle of a grocery store surrounded snobby hipsters that spend way too much of their money on food, I just grabbed another Three Twins pint (review forthcoming) and scooted out the door.

swag swag swag

At this point in my Three Twins experience, I am convinced that Three Twins is actually owned and operated by my dad. Chocolate oranges are a popular holiday treat in my family and lemon and vanilla sandwich cookies are a favorite of my dad. Like he likes them better than chocolate sandwich cookies. He never buys regular Oreos, only Golden Oreos. I like lemon sandwich cookies, but I think 9 times out of 10 I would choose a chocolate sandwich cookie over a lemon.

Okay, on to the ice cream. This flavor is described as Lemon Ice Cream with Vanilla Sandwich Creme Cookies.

Going into this ice cream, I didn't really know what to expect. People rave about this flavor, but the description didn't excite me that much.

For my first bite, I just grabbed a bit of the base flavor. Yep, that's sweet and lemony, tastes like a lemon cookie. In fact, it tastes exactly like a lemon cookie. It may even taste more like a lemon cookie than a lemon cookie. Is that possible?! It at least tastes better than a lemon cookie, in my opinion.

Now for the sandwich cookies. Wow these were perfect. They were soft like they had been soaked in milk, but they didn't fall apart either. They also varied a lot in size, some really big, some really small. I liked that about this ice cream. There were a lot of them, too, at least 2 per bite. I also liked that there were actually chunks of the cookies, not a cookie swirl or something. A decent number of the chunks were so big that you could actually see the creme filling of the cookie. I feel like a lot of cookies and cream type ice creams don't actually include the creme of the cookie, and the ice cream itself just serves, as the cream, which is lame.

Look at that cookie chunk in the top right of this pint! yummm

Last but not least, the texture. This isn't the richest, creamiest ice cream you have ever had. The first ingredient is milk, then cream, and the calories per 1/2 cup serving is a moderate 210. However, I really really loved how the edges of this ice cream got melty, but the middle stayed relatively hard. There also wasn't a ton of air in the ice cream, which is more common in lower calories ice creams. 

I feel like I didn't say a ton about this ice cream for how amazing it is. That's because, like the other Three Twins flavor I have tried, it is simple, but done right. This ice cream is everything you could imagine a lemon cookie flavor to taste like, and then so much more. Honestly, this might be the best ice cream I have had in 2015. If not the best, it is up there. Brett and I easily finished this whole thing in one sitting. I could honestly not imagine anyone doing a lemon cookie better than the way Three Twins executed this gem. 


  1. So, after you texted me, I stopped at the store and bought some lemon sandwich cookies. Ya know, just had to.

  2. Ok, I have so many things to say about this.

    1: I loled in my office at " I am convinced that Three Twins is actually owned and operated by my dad."

    2. My number one fear in life is also that I will die before I get to try literally every ice cream ever :( I guess all we can do is just keep fighting the good fight.


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