Cedar Crest Raspberry Fudge Chunk

I finally have the second flavor of the Cedar Crest pints I picked up ages ago! In the middle there I got sucked into a 3 for $10 Haagen-Dazs sale as well as incredible excitement at finding The Tonight Dough, so I put off eating this ice cream.

Cedar Crest Raspberry Fudge Chunk is described as

Raspberry ribbon and fudge pieces blended in vanilla ice cream.

The first thing I noticed about this pint is that the base ice cream is white.  Like really really white.  Like can't clap on the beat white.  Snowflake, the pistachio flavor from Cedar Crest that I tried, was also this unnaturally bleached color.  Seems to be a theme. I kind of wonder why they are doing this. I mean, if you have ever looked at milk or cream it is not a stark white color.

So white!

Anyway, aside from the slightly off-putting color, this was a pretty decent ice cream. Cedar Crest is really starting to grow on me with their moderately priced ice cream and interesting flavors. Ha. That just reminded me of 'star in a reasonably-priced car.'

The flavor of the vanilla base reminded me of soft-serve vanilla ice cream you would get from a malt shop or ice cream parlor.  Sure it's not fancy vanilla bean or french vanilla, but there was just enough of the nostalgia factor in there to make this a good base flavor.

The raspberry swirl was prevalent throughout the pint and very very gooey.  In both texture and taste it reminded me of the syrup from IHOP.  I know that the fruity red syrup at IHOP is strawberry flavored.  What I'm saying is that if IHOP has a raspberry syrup, this is how it would taste. Capiche?

Last but not least the fudge chunks. These were quite large and definitely frequent enough. I think I got at least one in each bite.  They had a great, slightly soft texture.  They could have had a more intense chocolate flavor though.


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