Blue Bell Ice Cream Sandwich

People are obsessed with Blue Bell.

"Blue Bell is all that is good in life" -Chris Beyer

"Well over half the calories I've consumed in my 22 5/6 years have been Blue Bell, and it has been the font from which my success and happiness have sprung" -Elliott Peterson

"Blue Bell is everything" -Chris Beyer

"I was raised on this." -Elliott Peterson

"Seriously, my parents never fed me anything else" -Elliott Peterson

Okay statement rescinded. My friends Chris and Elliott are obsessed with Blue Bell.

I have been reviewing a lot of Blue Bell lately for a few reasons. One, they have really awesome and unique flavors for being so cheap, and they sell in pints, which is pretty unique for brands at their price point. Two, I will be moving to Iowa next year and you can't buy Blue Bell in Iowa! Three, I get lots of imaginary internet points when I review Blue Bell.

I have had these ice cream sandwiches in my freezer for a while and I have slowly but surely been working my way through them. When I realized I was FINALLY caught up with reviews, I was like yay I can review my Blue Bell ice cream sandwiches.

I also really can't remember the last time and I had a plain old fashioned ice cream sandwich. But back in the day, like middle school, these things were my jam. You could buy them in the cafeteria. Every time I bought lunch, which really wasn't often, I also bought an ice cream sandwich. I am now quite sad they were not Blue Bell.

The ice cream in these sandwiches was nothing more or less exciting than what you would expect. But the cookies. Or whatever you want to call the outside of the sandwich. Those things were AMAZING. They were the perfect soft and smushy texture that gets all over your fingers. It was also more chocolatey than standard and the chocolate was darker/more cocoa-y. It was great. These guys are also only 150 calories each, so you can totally eat two and not feel guilty about it. Which I did tonight. For science, of course.

If you don't end up with sandwich all of your fingers when you eat these you're doing it wrong.

My one complaint about these were the wrappers were really hard to take off. The glue that held the wrapper together didn't come apart and it was hard not to disfigure the sandwich while opening the wrapper. 


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