Talenti Double Dark Chocolate

Is chocolate good?  Yes.  Is dark chocolate better? Yes.  Is MOTHER-LOVING DOUBLE DARK CHOCOLATE EVEN BETTER!? Yes.

My last pint of Talenti, Sicilian Pistachio wasn't as great as I had hoped, so I was praying that Double Dark Chocolate would be a more typical delicious pint of Talenti gelato.  In general I think Talenti's chocolate-y, caramel-y, really dessert-y flavors are much better than their fruity, less dessert-y flavors.  (What kind of adjective is dessert-y anyway?  It's one of those 'you'll know it when you see it' situations.)  Double Dark Chocolate was no exception.

I have very few pictures of this because I at it all.  Sorry I'm not sorry.

From Talenti's website this is

Semisweet Belgian Callebaut chocolate morsels are united with dark chocolate gelato and a splash of vermouth.  The result: a new, tempting meaning for smooth and rich.

This gelato was incredibly rich and full bodied.  Some dark chocolate is not as rich or creamy as it could be and tastes almost brittle in a way.  This dark chocolate was complex and chocolate-y and delicious.  I think some of this richness was due to the 'splash of vermouth.'  There wasn't enough vermouth to give an obvious flavoring of alcohol, and I probably wouldn't have picked up on it had I not read the description.  This was nice, because it added depth and dimension to the chocolate gelato without taking the emphasis away from the chocolate.

So I'd never heard of Callebaut chocolate before, but apparently it is a brand of chocolate.  Per Wikipedia, their chocolate has a high cocoa butter content and is used by many culinary professionals.  Also, in 2012 Callebaut became the first Belgian chocolate brand to start using sustainably grown cocoa.  They also have the Growing Great Chocolate Program to work with farmers to support sustainable cultivation and production of chocolate.  Pretty cool.

The Callebaut chocolate morsels were a nice complement to the chocolate gelato.  They were small and abundant and very hard and crunchy.  Although these morsels were hard, they melted down nicely in the mouth!

I was glad to enjoy a delicious pint of Talenti gelato!


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