Ben & Jerry's Limited Batch Bob Marley's One Love

So this flavor has been out for a bit, but Madeline and I both have struggled finding this flavor and then BOOM within a couple of days we both had our hands on a pint. When I was staying in the North East, my roommate got home from grocery shopping and pulled out a pint from her bag. I immediately freaked (she did not know at this time that I wrote an ice cream blog) and asked her where she found the pint. Interestingly she found it at a Halal market/convenience store. They were closing in an hour, but I rushed over and got a pint right then.

Now, this flavor is described as Banana Ice Cream with Caramel & Graham Cracker Swirls & Fudge Peace Signs.

It has been a long time since I've had a B&J's flavor with a banana base. I go back and fourth about whether or not I actually like banana ice cream. I don't go out of my way to eat it, but usually I enjoy it. This base was strong, as I think all banana ice creams are inherently, but it wasn't the ripest tasting banana base I've ever had. It also faded a bit as I kept eating. The sweet banana meshed really well with B&J's fudge peace signs. They were just like the fudge chunks, but peace sign shaped and smaller. They were dark and crunchy and their bitterness complimented the sweet banana base. The caramel was also a nice addition. There was lots of caramel swirl. It was thick and not too liquidy and a bit dark. If this flavor had stopped here it would have been spectacular as is. However, I love graham cracker swirls, and this was where I was a bit let down. The graham cracker swirl was delicious, but there was not a ton of it. I think I had 3-4 bites in the whole pint that featured the graham cracker. I don't think the graham cracker was super necessary to make a great ice cream, but I'd gotten my hopes up and was let down.

hullo caramel

This ice cream was was not super innovative or the most well executed, but B&J's, as per usual, delivers a solid product. I'll agree with Madeline here and give this flavor šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones.


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