New Orleans Ice Cream Creole Cream Cheese

While Madeline is giving you reviews of all the new and exciting stuff that ice cream companies have released recently, I'm slowly but surely working my way through the New Orleans Ice Cream Company shipment I received. I'm totally loving everything they sent me, but I am currently being forced to face a serious existential dilemma. But before I let you in on my current life crisis, a bit of back story.

In the shipment of free ice cream I received from NOLA Ice Cream Co, besides their seasonal flavors, but including their ice cream sandwiches, I got every flavor except Creole Cream Cheese. Luckily for me, one of their ice cream sandwiches uses the Creole Cream Cheese as a base, so I got a taste of it when I had those sandwiches. However, in the blog post about those sandwiches, because the taste I got of that flavor was so good, I lamented not getting a whole pint! Well, unbeknownst to me, the fabulous people at NOLA read my review of the sandwiches and decided to send me another whole shipment of EVERY NOLA flavor PLUS FOUR pints of the Creole Cream Cheese.

However, this has forced me to confront the question: Is there such a thing as too much ice cream?!!?! My freezer, which I share with two roommates was still mostly full of the first ice cream shipment. Granted, I doubt any other ice cream blogger out there besides me doesn't have a separate ice cream freezer, but I just haven't had the money for that yet. So I was forced to bring the ice cream to the break lounge of the Anthro Department (except the Creole Cream Cheese pints of course). This was a super tough decision for me to make.

But don't you worry, after grappling with this existential dilemma I have decided, no, there is no such thing as too much ice cream, but there is such a thing as not enough freezer space. :)

Now lets talk about ice cream. This flavor is bomb. The description reads A local delicacy, fresh farmers style cream cheese gently folded into our delicious ice cream.

So it may seem like splitting hairs, but this ice cream definitely was cream cheese folded into ice cream, as opposed to just cream cheese flavored ice cream. Some spots were way more intensely cream cheesey, while others were more mild and tasted like sweet cream. The texture of this flavor was also different from other New Orleans flavors. It was slicker and denser in spots, which again is due to the folding in of the cream cheese.

Some SnoSpice AND strawberries!

Overall this is a great flavor. Fabulous to eat on its own, and great as a base for other flavors. I ate it with strawberries. I put SnoSpice flavors in it; Pumpkin Carriage, Cinnamon for Optimists, and Cocoa Cayenne, all were great. This flavor has also made me think: why aren't more people using cream cheese as a base flavor? I'm thinking cookie dough or brownie chunks in cream cheese? Cream cheese ice cream with a cinnamon swirl? Basically cream cheese is totally under utilized in the ice cream world!


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